Announcements for the Week

January 17, 2016 | Longmont CO

FRIDAY: Mental Health and the Church Series

  • 6:00 pm: Meal provided prior to presentation
  • 6:45 pm: Ann Weiher from Interfaith Network on Mental Illness will present on the role of spirituality in recovery from mental illness.
  • Join us and invite your friends!

SATURDAY: Bible Study and Prayer at Salt & Light Church

  • 7:00-8:30 am: Men’s Bible Study
  • 7:00-8:30 pm: Women’s Prayer and Study

NEXT LORD’S DAY: Celebrate the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper


  • Month of January: Klein, Lawrence/Willman
  • For Lord’s Day Jan. 24: Boudreau
  • For Lord’s Day Jan. 31: J&M Hindman

NURSERY next week: Alice McDaniel


  • The series on Mental Health and the Church will meet on the 2nd and 4th Fridays each month
  • January 27 @ 7 pm: Congregational Meeting at the church. Please have reports submitted to Jonathan Murray or Marty Wilsey by Saturday, January 23.
  • January 29: Freedom Ball fundraiser. Details to follow.