Announcements for the Week

May 22, 2016 | Longmont CO

SATURDAY: Bible Study and Prayer at Salt & Light Church

  • 7:00-8:30 am: Men’s Bible Study
  • 7:00-8:30 pm: Women’s Prayer and Study
  • 10:30-12:30 pm: Wedding shower for Josh Bechtold and Heidi Mann.  Men and women are invited.  RSVP to Barb Wilsey.  Gift Registry:  BBB/Sears

SUNDAY:  Worship

  • 3:00 pm:  Worship at the Life Care Center

MONDAY:  the annual Memorial Day Picnic will be at Sandstone Ranch, Pavilion E2.

  • 11:00 am – 3:00 pm: Lunch



  • May Clean-up: M&B Wilsey/J&H Bechtold
  • For Lord’s Day May 29: Klein
  • For Lord’s Day June 5: McDaniel

NURSERY next week: Chloe and Tori Klein


  • Congratulations to Tori Klein who graduated from high school this week!
  • June 25 : Baby shower for Hannah and Jarrod Bechtold.
  • July 23-29 – RP International Conference 2016. Go to for details.

Happy birthday this week to Susan Mueller (May 22), Phyllis Franklin (May 24), Marty Wilsey (May 24) and JoAnn Smith (May 28)!!!

Happy anniversary to Bill and Phyllis Franklin (May 27)!!!