Announcements for the Week

April 24, 2016 | Longmont CO

SATURDAY: Bible Study and Prayer at Salt & Light Church

  • 7:00-8:30 am: Men’s Bible Study
  • 7:00-8:30 pm: Women’s Prayer and Study


SUNDAY: Fellowship Meal at Salt & Light Church

  • 1:00 pm: International theme. Bring dishes related to your nationality/ancestry.


  • May Clean-up: M&B Wilsey/J&H Bechtold
  • For Lord’s Day May 1: Murray
  • For Lord’s Day May 7: J&E Bechtold

NURSERY next week: Tori Klein


  • STEADFAST has delayed the Evening of Western Dining until fall.
  • May 6 – STEADFAST youth meeting 7:00 pm.  Contact Angi Hindman for details.
  • May 28 – Wedding shower for Josh Bechtold and Heidi Mann, 10:30 am at church.  Men and women are invited. RSVP to Barb Wilsey.  Gift Registry:  BBB/Sears
  • May 29  Life Care Center Outreach
  • May 30 @ 11:00 am – 3 pm: The annual Memorial Day Picnic will be at Sandstone Ranch, Pavilion E2 from 11 am – 3 pm.  Mark your calendars!
  • June 25 – revised date for a baby shower for Hannah and Jarrod Bechtold. Stay tuned.
  • A box has been set-up for donations for Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes. Gift ideas are written on top. Bring items any time.