Announcements for the Week

April 10, 2016 | Longmont CO

FRIDAY – STEADFAST @ 7:00 pm at the church.

SATURDAY: Bible Study and Prayer at Salt & Light Church

  • 7:00-8:30 am: Men’s Bible Study
  • 7:00-8:30 pm: Women’s Prayer and Study


  • April Clean-up: Faurot/Franklin/Jones
  • For Lord’s Day April 17: McDaniel
  • For Lord’s Day April 24: M&B Wilsey 

NURSERY next week: Elizabeth Boudreau


  • April 22-23: Midwest Women’s Retreat hosted by the Shawnee, Kansas RP Church.  Cheryl Hemphill will speak on “Being Useful in the Church.”  (fb-link)
  • April 24 @ 5:00 pm: Sunday Evening Praise and Prayer
  • May 1  Fellowship Meal on Lord’s Day  
  • May 14STEADFAST will sponsor an Evening of Western Dining at the church. Look for your Evite, invite your friends, support our youth and have a great evening! This event postponed (4/16/16) until October.
  • May 28 – Wedding shower for Josh Bechtold and Heidi Mann, details TBA.  Gift Registry:  BBB/Sears
  • May 29  Life Care Center Outreach
  • May 30 @ 11:00 am – 3 pm: The annual Memorial Day Picnic will be at Sandstone Ranch, Pavilion E2 from 11 am – 3 pm.  Mark your calendars!
  • June 24 – tentatively set as the date for a baby shower for Hannah and Jarrod Bechtold. Stay tuned.
  • A box has been set-up for donations for Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes. Gift ideas are written on top. Bring items any time.

Happy birthday this week to Calum Murray (April 11) and Juliana Wilsey (April 12)!!!